Wednesday, March 3, 2010



I have been thinking to write a new post for a long time...But was rather confused about the subject for ma post. I thought I will write something serious as I do have a lot number of things to say. Then I thought, no, I wuld rather start it wid a blissful note. Apparently, none of dese worked out! Evident!!

I have been reading a lot many blogs dese days. I felt an urge to write more after reading dose.. But within a few seconds in wuld vanish to oblivion. I was wondering as to what happened to me all dese days.. Days have turned out to be really different. New experience, new emotions (not romance for god’s sake) , new atmosphere and completely lazyyyyyy!!!!! Some of dese new stuff have been gud bt to some I am still a stranger:P…Inexplicable.. Blank!!!!!

I feel different these days.. I don’t know whether I like it.. But I can feel a drift in the atmos! I feel a bit uneasy sometimes.. feel a new energy sometimes, feel irritated sometimes, feel viod at times…..In toto, a mixed kind!

Unanswered questions stray in ma mind… I better leave it dat way…! Bcoz they sure will ask for explanations.. Not in a mood to give those….A few are meant to stay within ourselves rt?? 

Leaving behind dose unanswered  questions....I am movin on!!!! Its ma life!!!!